Created: 15.10.2012.
Last Update : 8.2.2014.
By: HB-Themes
Current Version : 4.0
Live Demo: Aegaeus
Our Portfolio: MOJO Themes
Thank you for purchasing our theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free post a question on our support forum here.
If you like this theme please don't forget to rate it on MOJO Themes, it means a lot. - Simply log in into your MOJO account, go to Downloads section and click 5 stars next to the Aegaeus theme.
Thank you so much!
When you download the theme from MOJO Themes, you will get an archive file in .zip extension. If you are using Windows you need WinZip or similar tool to unpack the archive. If you are using MacOS, double click on the archive file, and the archive will be unpacked in the same folder, and you should see Aegaeus_4.0 folder.
There are two ways to install the "Aegaeus" theme.
Via FTP Server
1. Connect to your website host, using one of many FTP clients, for example FileZilla.
2. Go to your default WordPress themes folder, and copy AegaeusWP into that folder. Properly uploaded theme should have path like this : ../wp-content/themes/AegaeusWP
Via WordPress Install (Recommended)
1. Open your WordPress dashboard.
2. Go to Appearance > Themes. Click Install Themes tab, located at the top of the screen.
3. Click Upload.
4. Choose from the zip that you have downloaded from MOJO Themes.
5. Click Install Now.
As soon as you have installed the theme, please install plugins (Revolution Slider, Layer Slider etc). You can install suggested plugins as well. There is a Video Tutorial too.
You can view a video tutorial on installing the theme (2.0 version) at our Video Tutorials section.
If you are having problems with theme installation, you can contact us over email, and we will install the theme for you.
Aegaeus comes with amazingly powerful theme options. We used Slightly Modified Options Framework as base for our theme options.
You can access theme options, simply by clicking Appearance > Theme Options in your WordPress dashboard left sidebar menu. Once you have entered the theme options, you will see your Dashboard.
Options Reset - Use this button to restore all theme option values to default. Save All Changes - Use this button to save any change on theme options. Don't forget to save your changes.
There are 14 sections. You may find more info about each section bellow.
In the Dashboard section you can find button shortcuts to some useful settings or links.
Set Front Page button - This button will lead you to Appearance > Reading, where you can set what your front page (home page) shows. You can view a video tutorial on setting custom home page on our Screenr profile.
Create / Edit Menus - This button will lead you to Appearance > Menus, where you can create or edit your theme menus.
Sidebars & Widgets - This button will lead you to Appearance > Widgets, where you can populate your sidebars with our custom made widgets. If you need custom sidebars, you can create unlimited number of sidebars in Theme Options > Sidebar Settings.
Documentation - This button will lead you the theme's online documentation file.
Contact the authors - This button will lead you to our Home where you can send us an email.
Follow us on Twitter - This button will lead you our Twitter profile page, where you can follow us to stay tuned for the upcoming theme updates and announcements.
Like us on Facebook - Like us on Facebook and get freebies and giveaways.
In the General Settings section you can change some of the most general settings of the theme.
Enable/Disable Responsiveness - Check this box if you want to enable the responsive styles. The stylesheet will recongize the width of the screen the website is viewed on, and will style it accordingly.
Enable / Disable Zoom on mobile devices - Check this box if you want to enable zoom on mobile devices.
Enable/Disable Like Plugin - Check this box if you want to enable inbuilt like plugin used on blog and portfolio items.
Enable/Disable Search In the Breadcrumb area - Check this box if you want to enable a search form located on the right side of the breadcrumb section.
Enable / Disable 'Return to top' button - Check this box if you want to enable return to top button which scrolls website to the top when clicked.
Enable / Disable 'Blog Meta' details - Check this box if you want to enable the blog meta info, such as author, date, comment count etc.
All Projects Link - Enter the URL of a page which contains your portfolio items. This link will be used on the single portfolio pages in the details section, and will lead you to this main portfolio page.
Comment Form Respond Line - This line goes above the comment form on all of your pages.
Contact Form Success Message - Success message for the theme's contact form. This will be dispayed if user has entered information correctly and the message has been sent.
Contact Form Error Message - Error message for the theme's contact form. This will be dispayed if user has entered information wrong and the message hasn't been sent.
Default Sidebar Position - This position will be used on the archive pages.
Web Tracking Code - Enter web tracking code, Google Analytics for example..
Custom CSS - Use this textarea to enter any custom styles. Example : #header, #footer { display:none; }
TIP : Don't forget to Save All Changes after any changes made.
In the Header Settings section you can change the logo, tagline, favicons etc.
Site Logo - Upload a logo image here.
HTML Logo - If you do not want a image logo, enter any HTML here and that will be displayed in the logo area.
Logo Width - If you want to resize your logo image enter width value in this field. The width value can be in pixels, percents or ems. For example : 150px
Logo Height - If you want to resize your logo image enter height value in this field. The height value can be in pixels, percents or ems. For example : 90px
NOTE : If you leave width and height fields empty, the default logo image dimensions will be used.
Enable/Disable Tagline - Check this box if you want the site tagline to appear bellow the logo.NOTE : Find out more about Apple Icons here.
Enable/Disable Site Info - Check this box if you want to enable a 'Site Info' area in the header, bellow the social links.Whenever you enter a query in a search engine and hit 'enter' you get a list of web results that contain that query term. Users normally tend to visit websites that are at the top of this list as they perceive those to be more relevant to the query. If you have ever wondered why some of these websites rank better than the others then you must know that it is because of a powerful web marketing technique called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
SEO is a technique which helps search engines find and rank your site higher than the millions of other sites in response to a search query. SEO thus helps you get traffic from search engines.
Aegaeus comes with integrated SEO support.
In the fields bellow you specify metadata that will apply to those pages that do not have custom metadata. Don't forget that every page or post can have custom SEO metadata, but you have to check the option bellow. In case these fields are left empty, metatags will be set using WordPress.
TIP : If you want to use some other SEO plugin for WordPress, disable the built-in SEO.
Enable / Disable SEO - Check this box if you want to enable theme's built-in SEO. If you want to use Custom SEO on each page you must check this box.
Default Title - SEO Title Element. One of the most important parts of a page (especially for placement in Google and Yahoo) and should ideally be SEO optimized for a small number of keywords or key phrases (preferably just the one main phrase for that page). This will be used as a default title if you haven't entered custom SEO settings in pages and posts.
Default Description - The meta description is probably the most important on-page SEO factor you control after the title tag. Enter the description of what the website is about.
Default Keywords - A meta keywords tag is supposed to be a brief and concise list of the most important themes of your page. The meta keywords tag takes the following form (example): HTML, Javascript, PHP, jQuery, Java, Python
Sidebar Settings allows you to create unlimited number of sidebars simply by clicking the button Add New Sidebar.
You can open details on each sidebar by clicking the arrow at the top right corner of each sidebar title. Details allows you to rename each sidebar or to remove it. You can reorder sidebars by draging the titles.
Once you have created the desired number of sidebars, go to Appearance > Widgets to populate them with Widget items..
Add New Sidebar - Click this button to create a new sidebar.
Sidebar Title - Enter the custom sidebar title.
X (Delete button) - Click this button to remove the selected sidebar.
NOTE : You can reorder sidebars by dragging them for titles. Don't forget to Save All Changes after making some.
Here you can create unlimited number of Flex sliders.
The theme uses Flex Slider.
You can open details on each slider by clicking the arrow at the top right corner of each slider title. Details allows you to change each sliders title. Also there's a remove button.
Once you have created the sliders, you need to create Slides.
IMPORTANT : Please read 'How To' section in this document to learn how to create sliders and slides on pages.
Add New Flex Slider - Click this button to create a new Flex Slider.
X (Delete button) - Click this button to the selected slider.
NOTE : Once you have created the slider you wanted, you need to create Flex Slides. Please read 'How To' section in this document to learn how to create sliders and slides on pages.
Select Footer Layout - Choose a footer layout out of 11 possible layouts. Fill in the footer areas in the Appearance > Widgets Footer Areas 1 - 4.
Copyright Line - enter the text which will be shown at the footer of your website. Most people use this space for copyright text, but you can use it for anything.
You can use simple html tags : a, strong, em and similar tags.
Footer Text - Enter a text to show in the footer area, at the very bottom of your website. You can use XHTML tags.
IMPORTANT : Do not use double quotes in this field, use single quotes instead.
For example : Powered by <a href=''>WordPress</a>
Social Links Settings allows you to enter links to your social networks profiles.
Following social networks are included : Facebook, Delicious, DeviantArt, Dribbble, Flickr, Google Plus, Digg, LiveJournal, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Reddit, LastFM, StumbleUpon, RSS.
These social networks will be displayed as icons in the top right corner in the header area.
TIP : If you want to use default WordPress RSS feed, you can find more info about that on Codex page :
Aegaeus comes with a customizable 404 page.
404 Page Settings section allows you to change some basic 404 page settings.
404 Page Title - Big title showed on 404 page.
404 Page Description - Description text that goes bellow 404 page.
Enable / Disable Search Form - Check this box to enable a search the website form on 404 page.
Search Title - If you've enabled the Search Form, enter a Title for the form here.
404 Page Separator Icon Title - If buttons are selected, separator with icon will be shown. This text goes when you hover the separator icon.
404 Separator Icon - Separator Icon. There are two types of separator icons available. Have a look here.
Aegaeus comes with an unique redirect page template which can be used for redirect or for download pages. Very cool.
Redirect Page Settings section allows you to change some basic redirect page settings.
Timer Value - Enter the time in seconds to wait before redirect. Example : 15
Redirect Page Title - Enter the big title for redirect page.
Redirect Page Description - Description text that goes bellow page tite.
Redirect Page Icon - Enter icon for redirect page. There are two types of separator icons available. Have a look here.
Aegaeus includes a header dropdown area which can contain a fullwidth Google Map with various features on top.
Map Settings section allows you add a header dropdown with a map and a lot of features.
Enable/Disable Gmap Header Dropdown - Check this box if you want to add a header dropdown on your website.
Google Map URL - Enter a embedded link from Google Maps.
Center Icon - Upload a pin icon located in the center of the map.
Enable/Disable Pan Control - Check this box if you want a Pan Control visible on the map.
Enable/Disable Zoom Control - Check this box if you want a Zoom Control visible on the map.
Use Small Control - If you've checked the Zoom Control box, then check this box if you want the minimalistic zoom style.
Enable/Disable Map Type Control - Check this box if you want a Map Type Control visible on the map.
Enable/Disable Street View - Check this box if you want a Street View icon visible on the map.
Enable/Disable Overview Control - Check this box if you want a Overview Control visible on the map.
Enable/Disable Map Contact Info Box - Check this box if you want a box containing your basic contact info to be visible.
Map Box Title - A title for the Map Contact Info Box.
Map Box Phone - Enter your phone number for the Map Contact Info Box.
Map Box Fax - Enter your fax number for the Map Contact Info Box.
Map Box Mail - Enter your email for the Map Contact Info Box.
Map Box Website - Enter your website URL for the Map Contact Info Box.
Map Box Address - Enter your address for the Map Contact Info Box.
In the Font Settings section you can change some basic font settings as well as embedding custom fonts from Google Web Fonts using CSS @import feature.
Enable/Disable Custom Typography - Check this box to enable custom typography which you specify in the fields bellow.
Footer and Sidebar Areas - Specify font size, font family, font-weight and font color for Footer and Sidebar Areas.
Navigation - Specify font size, font family, font-weight and font color for Navigation Area.
Content - Specify font size, font family, font-weight and font color for each Heading.
H1 ... H6 Heading - Specify font size, font family, font-weight and font color for each the body.
Custom Font Import - This is a very important box. Here, you can enter any custom CSS you want. That means you can controll CSS elements through this box. For example if you want to change logo margin from the top you will enter something like this :
#logo { margin-top:120px; }Another purpose is to use it for embedding over 500 Custom Google Web Fonts. Here's an example of embedded Google Web Font for let's say H1 Heading element.
/* Import the font from Google using @import */ @import url(; /* Use the font to change the H1 element */ h1 { font-family: 'Codystar', cursive !important; } /* You can use !important to make sure that CSS is not overriden by some other styles */
VIDEO : You can view a video tutorial on embedding Google Web Fonts at our Video Tutorials section.
In the Style Settings section you can change theme color focus, body background texture, upload your custom background image.
Theme Color - Select a color for all elements, the links, hovers, focused color.
Custom Scheme CSS - Enter your custom scheme CSS here. Learn how to create schemes here. Note that if you enter any code into this field, Predefined Scheme will be discarder.
Default Background Texture - Select a texture from a predefined list of textures. This texture will be used on all pages if a default Background image is not uploaded. You can override this texture on any page, post or portfolio item. You can add more textures by uploading the texture image in the '.../wp-content/themes/AegaeusWP/images/textures/body' folder.
Default Background Image - Upload a background background image which will be streched to fullscreen size. Note that this has a higher priority than the default background texture.
Backup Options allows you to backup your theme options values. It will save your latest changes.
Creating Flex Slides
Attaching Slider To A Page
Aegaeus comes with Testimonials custom post type, as well as Testimonial shortcode, testimonial page template and testimonial widget. You can find bellow information how to create Testimonials.
Creating Testimonial Posts
Testimonial Page Template
Testimonial Shortcode
[testimonial columns="3" number="3" random="true" ]
NOTE : Aegaeus comes with powerful shortcode generator which creates shortcode code for you.
Testimonial Widget
Aegaeus comes with Staff custom post type, as well as Staff shortcode, staff page template and staff widget. You can find bellow information how to create Staff Members.
Staff Page Template
Staff Shortcode
[staff columns="3" number="3" departments="aegaeus, ceo"]
NOTE : Aegaeus comes with powerful shortcode generator which creates shortcode code for you.
Available Shortcode Options
Staff Widget
Aegaeus uses WordPress inbuilt feature 'image attachments' in order to create galleries. It's both, fast and easy to create galleries this way. Here's how to upload images and create galleries using Gallery Shortcode.
[hb_gallery number="8" size="col-3"]
NOTE : Aegaeus comes with powerful shortcode generator which creates shortcode code for you.
Available Shortcode Options
VIDEO : There's a video tutorial on how to create galleries at our Video Tutorials section.
Aegaeus comes with Portfolio custom post type, as well as "Portfolio" shortcode and portfolio widget. Information about creating Portfolio items is located bellow.
Portfolio Template
Portfolio Shortcode
[portfolio category="aegaeus, portfolio" number="4" size="col-4"]
NOTE : Aegaeus comes with powerful shortcode generator which creates shortcode code for you.
Available Shortcode Options
Portfolio Widget
Aegaeus comes with various predefined page templates. These templates are incredibly simple to populate and manipulate, minimal effort is required. Custom settings for each template are shown dynamically, which makes them easy to find and fill in.
All pages have some "Template Settings" in common. These include:
Every page can be set up with custom SEO settings. These setting can be found in the meta boxes bellow the content, named Custom SEO Settings. You have to have enabled Custom SEO in Theme Options. In these settings you can find: Use Custom SEO checkbox, SEO Title, SEO Description and SEO Keywords.
Supported Page Templates
Default Template - Live Preview
This template contains a content area as well as a sidebar area. The sidebar is optionaly put on the left or the right side, and any sidebar created in theme options is available to select. If you don't select a sidebar position, the page will become fullwidth. Comments are available on this template, and they are turned on or of in the Discussion Settings.
Archive - Live Preview
This template extracts your website data. The content is divided into 3 columns and they contain:
This template incudes the default "Template Settings" boxes.
Blog - Live Preview
This is a template which extracts and displays your blog posts. Characteristic Template Setting is the Exclude From Blog where you can enter blog category slugs which will be excluded from this blog page. Slugs are separated by commas.
You can choose the position of the sidebar, and choose any sidebar you've created in the Theme Options. Make the page fullwidth by choosing the sidebar position to be 'None'.
This template includes a sidebar which can be either on the right or the left side, and any sidebar created in theme options is available for this template.
Blog Grid - Live Preview
This template does exactly the same as a regular Blog Page, except it's differently styled and it cannot have a sidebar area.
Contact Page - Live Preview
This page features a map with your location and a contact form. The map is extracted from the embedded link you must enter in the Map embedded link box. Email used in this template is located in Settings > General.
You can choose the sidebar position for this page (including leaving the position to 'None' to create a fullwidth Contact Page).
Portfolio - Live Preview
This template extracts items from the custom post type Portfolio Items. You can specify which items will display by entering portfolio category slugs in the Specify Portfolio Category setting bellow the content. Portfolio items are displayed in 2, 3 or 4 columns, which you can choose in the 'Portfolio Columns'.
A filter is included above the portfolio items, as well as a text line and separator with icon, both of which are changeable in the 'Template Settings' meta boxes.
Portfolio Gallery - Live Preview
This template has the exact same settings as a regular Portfolio Template except the thumbnails won't lead to a Single Portfolio page, instead it will open up the featured image/video in a fancybox.
Redirect Page - Live Preview
This template is a page which is displayed for a certain time before it redirects to a link of your choice. The link is specified bellow the content, in the Template Settings. The rest of the page details, such as title, description, icon and time are defined in Theme Options.
Sitemap - Live Preview
This template extracts your website data. The content is divided into 3 columns and they contain:
This template has the default "Template Settings".
Staff - Live Preview
This template extracts items from the custom post type Staff. You can specify which items will display by entering staff department slugs in the Specify Staff Department setting bellow the content. Separate the slugs with commas.
Choose the number of columns on this page in the 'Column Count' settings. These will adjust a bit differently if you're using a sidebar on this page.
This template includes a sidebar which can be either on the right or the left side, and any sidebar created in theme options is available for this template.
Testimonials Page
This template extracts items from the custom post type Testimonials - Live Preview
This template has the default "Template Settings".
Aegaeus comes with some basic typography settings. For some bigger changes we strongly suggest using Google Web Fonts plugin for WordPress.
Here's how to import a custom Google Web Font.
@import url(;
font-family: 'McLaren', cursive;
/* Import Google Web Font */
@import url(;
/* Change body, p and blockquote font family, color and size. */
font-family: 'McLaren', cursive;
SEO is a technique which helps search engines find and rank your site higher than the millions of other sites in response to a search query.
Aegaeus comes with inbuilt SEO settings. Each page or post can have it's own custom SEO settings like different title, keywords and description.
NOTE : You have to enable Custom SEO Settings in theme options.
Go to Appearance > Theme Options > SEO Settings. There you need to check checkbox Enable/Disable SEO.
If you are going to use SEO Plugins For WordPress like All In One SEO, WordPress SEO by Yoast or any other, you should disable Inbuilt SEO Settings in theme options.
If you check the SEO settings, you can fill in the default SEO values, which will be used everywhere where you didn't specify custom SEO. For example if you have created a new page and you didn't enter Custom SEO settings, the default ones will be used. Also the default ones will be used on some pages where is immpossible to use Custom SEO, like 404 page, category page and similar.
Ok, you have checked the SEO Option, let's set different Custom SEO for every page you want.
While editing or creating a new page scroll down the page until you find Custom SEO Settings. There you can define custom title, keywords and description for your page.
View a live demo.
With Aegaeus you can create page with comments. Here are the steps for creating a page with comments :
As soon as you have installed the theme, it is recommended that you install Font Awesome and Entypo.
This step is not needed in versions 1.1+
Go to and click Download Font Awesome 2.0. The download should start automatically. Unzip the downloaded file.
Go to and click Download @font-face Kit. The download should start automatically. Unzip the downloaded file.
Connect to your WordPress themes folder via FTP client. Open the AegaeusWP > css > font-face folder. In there you should find two empty folders : Entypo and FontAwesome.
From the downloaded and unzipped FontAwesome folder, copy the files from the font folder into the according folder on your FTP account. There should be 4 files to upload.
From the downloaded and unzipped Entypo folder, copy all files into the FTP Entypo folder. There should be 7 files to upload.
The font installation is now done.
Check out the Video Tutorial on how to install Font Awesome and Entypo.
The version 1.1 (and higher) comes with Child theme support.
A child theme inherits the functionality of a parent theme, which usually holds the base for the layout, structure, function and basic style. A child theme expands upon or modifies the parent theme within a separate set of files. It keeps all of your customizations in their own folder. With a little understanding of HTML and CSS, you can make that very basic child theme modify the styling and layout of a parent theme to any extent without editing the files of the parent theme itself. That way, when the parent theme is updated, your modifications are preserved.
For this reason, child themes are the recommended way of making modifications to a theme.
With a basic understanding of PHP, WordPress Templates, and the WordPress Plugin API, you can make the child theme extend virtually every aspect of a parent theme, and again, without actually changing the parent theme files.
Using Starter Child Theme
In folder Aegaeus_2.0 you should find Child Theme folder. Open that folder and install the theme through your WordPress theme install. Simply activate the child theme.
Aegaeus comes with a licenced Revolution Slider developed by ThemePunch.
The installable zip file ( is located in Aegaeus_2.0/Revolution Slider/ folder.
When you're at your admin panel, at the bottom of the left nav bar, a 'Revolution Slider' tab should appear. These are the steps on how to create a slider and insert it into a page:
VIDEO : You can view a video tutorial on creating a Rev Slider at our Video Tutorials section.
If you need to update your theme, please read this forum post : Updating your HB-Themes WordPress Theme.
Aegaeus theme comes with a beautiful shortcode generator which makes shortcodes incredibly simple to insert into your posts or pages. These shortcodes are designed specially for Aegaeus, and they will give your website a unique look with no effort.
In order to enter the shortcode generator, you need to be creating or editing a post/page. In the Visual view, a button with HB-Themes heart logo will appear. Click on the button and the shortcode generator will popup.
Every shortcode is listed bellow with detailed instruction on how to use them properly.
Available Shortcodes: Accordion, Animation, Blockquote, Boxes, Button, Custom Image Box, Callout, Circle Column, Clear, Column, Dropcap, Flex Slider, Focus Color, Focus Separator Text, From Blog, From Portfolio, Gallery, Headings, Icon Column, Icons, Image, Infobox, List, Mailchimp Newsletter, Map, Media Screen, Pricing Table, Section, Separator, Service, Social, Spacer, Staff, Read More Button, Tabs, Testimonial, Title Description, Toggle, Tooltip, Typography, Video
Every [accordion_item] belongs to a group wrapped with [accordion]. This group makes the accordion section.
[accordion_item title="Accordion Title 1"]Accordion Content Goes Here[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title="Accordion Title 2"]Accordion Content Goes Here[/accordion_item]
[accordion_item title="Accordion Title 3"]Accordion Content Goes Here[/accordion_item]
Accordion width can be changed by wrapping the whole accordion into a column, respecting the column rules.
Available arguments are:
Spice up your pages with these interesting animations. You can animate every object on a page, from any shortcode to any custom piece you have written. Bring spark to your pages with this one.
[animation animation="shake" duration="2s" delay="0s" iteration="1"]
Animation Content Here
Available arguments are:
[blockquote]Blockquote Content Here[/blockquote]
Available arguments are:
[boxes margin_top="10px"]
[box size="one-third" icon="icon-bolt" title="Box 1 Title" link="#" last_column="false" new_tab="true"]
[box size="one-third" icon="gear icon" title="Box 2 Title" link="#" last_column="false" new_tab="true"]
[box size="one-third" icon="icon-globe" title="Box 3 Title" link="#" last_column="true" new_tab="true"]
Available arguments for [boxes] are:
Available arguments for [box] are:
Buttons have never been this easy to create and style. Choose from predefined sizes, colors and shapes to create a beautiful button in no time.
[button title="Button Title" link="#" size="large" color="black" icon="Q" rounded="true" in_new_tab="true"]
Available arguments are:
Image box shortcode allows you to create a beatiful image links. Create an image which you viewers can click and be directed to another page.
image="Image URL"
Available arguments are:
Callout Shortcode is great for promoting anything. Name it, describe it and put a link to it with style!
size="col-12" last_column="true"
title="Callout Title" description="Callout Description"
button_title="Button" button_link="#"
button_size="large" button_color="red"
button_rounded="false" button_icon="icon-ok"
flip_left_edge="false" flip_right_edge="true"]
Available arguments are:
[circle_feature size="col-4" last_column="false" color="red" title="Title" link="#" number="1"
bottom_margin="true" icon=""]
Circle Feature Column Content
Available arguments are:
It's recommended that you use [clear] shortcode after each row of your content if that row is not wrapper in a [section].
Aegaeus is styled using 960 grid. Columns are created by adding a class named col-number, where the number represents how many number/12 parts is the column long. For example col-4 is actually 4/12 which is 1/3 content width. When the sum of col numbers is equal to 12, then you have to set the last_column attribute to true, which means it's the end of that row.
[column size="col-6" bottom_margin="true"]Column Content[/column]
[column size="col-3" bottom_margin="true"]Column Content[/column]
[column size="col-3" bottom_margin="true" last_column="true"]Column Content[/column]
In this example, we had col-6 + col-3 + col-3 = col-12. Since the last col-3 gives the sum of 12, it must have the attribute last_column set to true.
Available arguments are:
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]his is a sentence.
This shortcode can extract slides only from Flex slider. Set the slider name and you're all set.
[flexslider name="Flex Slider"]
Available arguments are:
This shortcode colors your content with the Theme Focus Color you've set in the Theme Options
[focus_color]Content to focus here[/focus_color]
Available arguments are:
This shortcode puts your text in a rounded area (good for using inside a [separator_shortcode])
[focus_separator_text]Content to focus here[/focus_separator_text]
Available arguments are:
This shortcode extract blog posts. It's incredibly simple, choose how many items to extract, you can add some category filter and you're all set.
In the example bellow, latest 3 blog posts from 'Aegaeus Category' category will be extracted.
[blog number="3" category="aegaeus-category"]
Available arguments are:
This shortcode extract elements from portfolio custom post type. You can control the size of displayed items, as well as which items will be extracted.
In the example bellow, portfolio elements that belong to a category which slug is notable or portfolio will be extracted, while the other items will not. Only latest 3 element which satisfy the category requirement will be displayed, and they will be displayed in 3 columns.
[portfolio category="notable, portfolio" number="3" columns="3" orderby="date" order="DESC"]
Available arguments are:
This shortcode extract media library items attached to the page where this shortcode is used.
[hb_gallery number="12" size="col-3"]
Available arguments are:
There are two types of headings, regular and focused heading.
// Regular Headings
[h1]Heading 1[/h1]
[h2]Heading 2[/h2]
[h3]Heading 3[/h3]
[h4]Heading 4[/h4]
[h5]Heading 5[/h5]
// Focused Headings
[h1_focus_heading]Focused Heading 1[/h1_focus_heading]
[h2_focus_heading]Focused Heading 2[/h2_focus_heading]
[h3_focus_heading]Focused Heading 3[/h3_focus_heading]
[h4_focus_heading]Focused Heading 4[/h4_focus_heading]
[h5_focus_heading]Focused Heading 5[/h5_focus_heading]
[icon_column size="col-4" last_column="false" icon="9" title="Icon Column Title"
link="#" color="f60" bottom_margin="true"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse pulvinar nulla ut
ante malesuada in semper eros vestibulum.
[icon_column size="col-4" last_column="false" icon="Q" title="Icon Column Title"
link="#" color="BB4" bottom_margin="true"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse pulvinar nulla ut
ante malesuada in semper eros vestibulum.
[icon_column size="col-4" last_column="true" icon="7" title="Icon Column Title"
link="#" color="099" bottom_margin="true"]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse pulvinar nulla ut
ante malesuada in semper eros vestibulum.
Available arguments are:
This shortcode uses FontAwesome and Entypo icons.
[icon size="20px" color="F60" icon="icon-bolt"]
[icon size="80px" color="060" icon="icon-briefcase"]
[icon size="40px" color="773" icon="icon-beaker"]
[icon size="55px" color="BBB" icon="icon-random"]
Available arguments are:
[hb_image white_frame="true" width="300" height="180" fancybox_rel="" align="left"]
Image Link Goes Here
Available arguments are:
Notify, inform, alert or warn your viewers using this stylish boxes. Choose whether viewers can close them or you want them to stay on that page.
[infobox size="col-6" last_column="false" bottom_margin="true" closable="true" color="blue"]
Infobox Information
Available arguments are:
These list can use any Entypo or FontAwesome icon as its bullet. Neat!
A group of [list_item] is wrapped with a [list].
[list_item size="" icon="icon-beaker" hex_color=""]List Item[/list_item]
[list_item size="" icon="icon-globe" hex_color="444"]List Item[/list_item]
[list_item size="" icon="icon-ok" hex_color="6F0"]List Item[/list_item]
[list_item size="large" icon="icon-plane" hex_color="045"]List Item[/list_item]
Available arguments are:
This shortcodes uses your MailChimp embedded Sign Up Form as the content. It extracts the required data so you can paste the whole code in the shortcode without any trouble.
[newsletter_mailchimp size="col-6" last_column="false" flip_left_edge="true"
title="Did we mention it's free?" flip_right_edge="false"
description="Yup, it's that straight forward! Enter your email address below and we'll
send you the confirmation link to your inbox. No worries, we don't do spam."
MailChimp Embedded Code Here
Available arguments are:
This shortcode uses embedded map link as the content.
[map width="100" height="100"]Long Embedded Map Link[/map]
This shortcode is very convenient. It displays different content depending on the device its displayed on. Put different content for those on tablets, phones or desktops.
[screen size="phone"]This is displayed only on phones[/screen]
[screen size="desktop"]This is displayed only on desktops[/screen]
[screen size="tablet"]This is displayed only on tablets[/screen]
Available arguments are:
These pricing tables are perfect for your business offer promotion.
[pricing_row] shortcodes are grouped into a [pricing_item] shortcode. The group makes a table.
That group of [pricing_item] shortcodes (tables) are grouped into a [pricing_wrap]. Which makes a set of tables.
[pricing_item title="SubPricing" size="col-4" layers="true" bottom_margin="true"]
[pricing_row is_price="true"]$110[/pricing_row]
[pricing_row]Pricing row 1[/pricing_row]
[pricing_row]Pricing row 2[/pricing_row]
[pricing_item layers="true" title="Table Title" focus="true" last_colum="false"
bottom_margin="true" size="col-4" button_title="Click" button_link="#"]
[pricing_row is_price="true"]$240[/pricing_row]
[pricing_row]Pricing Row 1[/pricing_row]
[pricing_row]Pricing Row 2[/pricing_row]
[pricing_item title="SubPricing" size="col-4" last_column="true" layers="true"]
[pricing_row is_price="true"]$110[/pricing_row]
[pricing_row]Pricing row 1[/pricing_row]
[pricing_row]Pricing row 2[/pricing_row]
Available arguments for [pricing_item] are:
Available arguments for [pricing_row] are:
Section is a shortcodes which adds a clearfix to your content. Use this shortcode to wrap every row of content in order to have proper spacing between rows.
[section]Section Content Goes Here[/section]
Aegaeus comes with a couple different kinds of separators: icon, text, to_top, shortcode and small separator.
// Empty fullwidth separator
// Icon Separator
[separator icon="icon-briefcase"]
// Text Separator
[separator text="Text Separator"]
// Small Separator
[separator small="true"]
// To Top Separator
[separator to_top="true"]
// Separator with a shortcode inside
[separator_shortcode]Any shortcode here[/separator_shortcode]
Icon separator can use Font Awesome or Entypo icons
Service shortcode is a boxed service column. These columns are extremely beautiful, with layered style and an icon of your choice.
[service title="Service Title" size="col-4" last_column="true" link="#" icon="9" layers="true"]
Service Content Goes Here
Available arguments are:
A group of [social_icon] is wrapped in [social]. Check out the Live Demo for cool hover effects.
[social_icon type="twitter" link="#" in_new_tab="true"]
[social_icon type="facebook" link="#" in_new_tab="true"]
[social_icon type="dribbble" link="#" in_new_tab="true"]
Available arguments for [social_icon] are:
This shortcodes makes emty vertical space with a specified height. If content is to close for your taste, feel free to separate them with more space using this awesome shortcode.
[spacer height="50px"]
This shortcode extracts items from the Staff Members custom post type. Choose which departments to display, as well as how many of them in how many columns.
[staff number="4" columns="4" departments="ceo,manager"]
Available arguments for [social_icon] are:
[read_more_button link="#" ribbon="false"]Read More[/read_more_button]
Every [tab] belongs to one [tabs] group.
[tab title="Tab 1"]Tab Content Goes Here[/tab]
[tab title="Tab 2"]Tab Content Goes Here[/tab]
[tab title="Tab 3"]Tab Content Goes Here[/tab]
Tabs group width can be changed by wrapping the whole [tabs] group into a column, respecting the column rules.
Available arguments are:
This shortcode extract items from testimonial custom post type.
[testimonials number="3" columns="3" random="true"]
Available arguments are:
A neat text styleing
[title_description]Text to apply this styling[/title_description]
[toggle title="Toggle Title 1"]Toggle Content Goes Here[/toggle]
[toggle title="Toggle Title 2"]Toggle Content Goes Here[/toggle]
[toggle title="Toggle Title 3"]Toggle Content Goes Here[/toggle]
Toggle width can be changed by wrapping the whole toggle group into a column, respecting the column rules.
Available arguments are:
[tooltip title="Hover text over the tooltop"]Tooltip Text[/tooltip]
Available arguments are:
This is [sup]sup[/sup] element.
This is [sub]sub[/sub] element.
This is [del]del[/del] element.
This is [mark]mark[/mark] element.
This is [mark_dark]mark dark[/mark_dark] element.
This is [dfn]dfn[/dfn] element.
This is [strong]strong[/strong] element.
This is [code]code[/code] element.
This is [abbr title="ABBR element"]abbr[/abbr] element.
[hb_video width="" height="" white_frame=""] Video Embedded Link Goes Here [/hb_video]
Available arguments are:
Aegaeus comes with custom widgets. You can find them in Appearance > Widgets along with some WordPres built-in widgets.
The list of custom made widgets :
Note : You can use any shortcode inside Text Widget.
Use widgets simply by dragging them into desirable widgetized area and filling in the required info.
The following CSS files are imported into the theme when needed. They are located inside css folder.
The following JS files are imported into the theme when needed. They are located inside scripts folder.
LINK : You can view our Screenr profile here.
A huge thanks to all great authors. Feel free to view their work in the links bellow.
Version 4.0
Version 3.0
Version 2.3
Version 2.2
Version 2.1
Version 2.0
Version 1.2
Version 1.1
Still not found answer to your questions? Send us an email and we will respond within 24 hours (working days).
Once again, thank you so much for purchasing this theme. As I said at the beginning, I'd be glad to help you if you have any questions relating to this theme. No guarantees, but I'll do my best to assist. If you have a more general question relating to the themes on MOJO Themes, you might consider visiting the forums and asking your question in the "Item Discussion" section.
Branko Conjic & Hristina Zlateska, HB-Themes